Basic Terrain Making:
I want to keep you all updated on what is happening with the club. Thanks to everyone that has been donating and supporting the club, especially those who participated in our recent 1k tourney, but especially those of you who donate each month to keep this club operational.
This is one of the many things we are doing with your financial support. Again, this is not for profit, I (being the club treasurer) keep track of all the club expenses, if you ever have a question about how much is collected and where and how much is spent, I will be more than willing to go over it with you.

Currently our big push is for great looking boards to play on. Awhile back we had purchase a Citadel imperial sector terrain kit which comes with a bunch of sprues to construct all kinds of buildings to be used as terrain. I, with a little help from Moros, threw together 5 buildings from this one box. Here are some simple progress pictures of how it was constructed and some small steps I have taken so far to get these out on the table for your use.

The first image you can see the basic assembly of the buildings. Forsaken and his cousin cut up a bunch of hardwood bases for the terrain.
With a box of all sorts of ripped apart plastic toys and models Forsaken had laying around his place, I was able to make some pretty convincing debris/rubble. I originally used PVA glue for this, however, after everything became unglued at our last tourney, I decided to go with wood glue… a lot of wood glue, and it seems to be holding up nicely.

Next I painted some Elmer’s glue around the bases to be used for ballasting. Be sure to paint any Styrofoam with the glue as well since the spray paint will melt the foam. If you cover the foam with glue, you can spraypaint it, no problem. Using Medium Ballast (see photo), which can be picked up at any local hobby store, I threw down a nice thick layer to completely cover the glue on the base.

Lastly, you shake off the excess; you can do this almost immediately. Be sure to collect the excess and reuse for the next piece. I based 5 pieces of terrain with a very minimal amount of ballast. I would let that dry for 24 hours if you can. You don’t want to seal in the moisture if the glue is not completely cured. Then just spraypaint it black so it will be primed and ready for more detailed painting

I will continue to post the progress of these terrain pieces as they become finished.
The NEXT big project is the boards themselves. We are currently in the planning stages to create very nice boards for everyone to play on complete with side rails and a place to place your army / dead pile. These will take much more time as we will be trying to implement as many themed boards as we possibly can.
Anyways, that’s all the updates for now. Thanks to everyone who helped create this terrain pieces for our club to use. Continue to the check out the blog calendar and facebook page for more updates from the club.
-Brother C