Hey all Moros here!
I'm pleased to announce that we've been inducted into the Berks 40k Gaming organization. I've been following their blog (http://berkswarhammer40k.blogspot.com/) for awhile now. They do some great stuff including the False Hope campaign (Check it out on their site!)
This weekend I was able to touch base with them and get some more information about how their group works. They are a more informal group than us, and basically the way it works is they set up games and keep in touch through their forum. They also get together on a regular basis and have about 20 active members! I encourage you guys to head on over to their forums and get registered!
I also took the liberty to invite them to our monthly 40k Day event! I've already heard from a few of them that they are interested! So we might have some guests joining us! From what I understand they sometimes like to play smaller point battles. So it might be a good idea to work on some 750, 1000, and 1850 type lists to play with those guys.
We have also been invited to take part in their ongoing False Hope campaign. This narrative event pits you against other players and really gives the game a bit more to fight for than just the win! Now we have even more incentive to get those armies modeled and painted up!
The WAR is growing! Death to the false emperor!